Armstrong Number Program

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Armstrong Number ProgramArmstrong Number Program

A positive integer is called an Armstrong number of order n if abcd. = an + bn + cn + dn +. In case of an Armstrong number of 3 digits, the sum of cubes of each digits is equal to the number itself. For example: 153 = 1.1.1 + 5.5.5 + 3.3.3 // 153 is an Armstrong number. Source Code: Check Armstrong number (for 3 digits) # Python program to check if the number provided by the user is an Armstrong number or not # take input from the user # num = int(input('Enter a number: ')) # initialize sum sum = 0 # find the sum of the cube of each digit temp = num while temp 0: digit = temp% 10 sum += digit. 3 temp //= 10 # display the result if num sum: print(num,'is an Armstrong number') else: print(num,'is not an Armstrong number').

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Output 1 Enter a number: 663 663 is not an Armstrong number Output 2 Enter a number: 407 407 is an Armstrong number Here, we ask the user for a number and check if it is an Armstrong number. We need to calculate the sum of cube of each digit. So, we initialize the sum to 0 and obtain each digit number by using the. Remainder of a number when it is divide by 10 is the last digit of that number.

We take the cubes using exponent operator. Finally, we compare the sum with the original number and conclude that it is Armstrong number if they are equal. Source Code: Check Armstrong number of n digits.

An Armstrong integer is similar to a narcissistic number. However, there’s a difference between an Armstrong number and narcissistic number. An Armstrong integer is essentially a 3 digit number whereas a narcissistic number is a 4 or more than 4 digit number. It is also usually regarded as 4 digit Armstrong Number. Armstrong Number Formula Example 153 = (1.

1. 1) + (5. 5.

In this program, you'll learn to check whether a given number is armstrong number or not. You'll learn to do this by using a for loop and a while loop in Java. Armstrong number in Java. Here we written the code in four different ways standard, using for loop, recursion, while loop and also with different examples as like. An Armstrong number is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of total number of digits. To check Armstrong number in C++, we used WHILE loop.

5) + (3. 3. 3) 371 = (3. 3. 3) + (7. 7. 7) + (1.

Armstrong Number Programming In Vb

1. 1) Armstrong numbers are essentially 3 digit integers. However, if you intend to calculate 4 digit armstrong number in C programming, you need to check the. Algorithm For Armstrong Number in C Programming. Armstrong Series Logic Explanation. The input value is copied into a temporary variable.

The last digit of the input value is extracted, cubed and added to the sum variable. The last digit is extracted till the input value is not equal to zero. After the process is completed and the remainder is zero, the sum variable is compared with the temporary variable. If the sum and temporary variables are equivalent, the input value is an Armstrong Number, else it is not an Armstrong Integer. Note: This C program for Armstrong Numbers is compiled with GNU GCC compiler on Linux Ubuntu 14.04 operating system.

However, these codes are compatible with all other operating systems.