Pile Foundation Design Software

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GEO5 suite contains several intuitive programs for pile foundation design. Try them for free, without analysis restrictions.

CivilTech Corporation: Software: AllPile CivilTech. AllPile is a Windows-based analysis program that handles virtually all types of piles, including steel pipes, H-piles, pre-cast concrete piles, auger-cast piles, drilled shafts, timber piles, jetted piles, tapered piles, piers with bell, micropiles (minipiles), uplift anchors, uplift plate, and shallow foundations.

One of the major advantages AllPile has over other pile software is that it combines most pile analyses in a single program. It calculates compression (with settlement), uplift, lateral capacity, and group analysis all together. Users only need to input the data once instead of several times in different programs. AllPile makes pile analysis easy, economical and time-efficient.

AllPile is suitable for all engineers, even those without too much pile analysis experience. It helps structural engineers choose soil parameters, and geotechnical engineers choose pile properties. AllPile is a must-have tool for structural, geotechnical, and construction engineers. CALCULATION METHOD. Vertical analysis is based on the approaches and methods recommended in FHWA, AASHTO, and NAVY DM-7 (NAVFAC) manuals. The compression capacity is the combination of skin friction and tip resistance.

The uplift capacity is the sum of skin friction and pile weight. The torsion capacity is the sum of horizontal skin friction around shaft. Lateral analysis uses the finite-difference method to model soil-structure interaction. Under lateral loading, pile shaft deflects and pushes the adjacent soils.

Therefore, lateral resistance (pressure) is generated between soils and pile. By integration of lateral pressure, shear, moment, rotation, and deflection, the pile and soil interaction and behavior are analyzed. This is the same method used in COM624 program of FHWA. Comparing COM624, Allpile provides great user-friendly interface, additional features, and improvements. AllPile creates a COM624 input file and output. The input and output files can be directly viewed and printed. For comparison, you can directly run COM624 of HFWA yourself using the input files created by AllPile.

AllPile is also comparable with Lpile (© Ensoft Inc.), which is also based on COM624. In our tests, AllPile generates very similar results as Lpile or COM624. ( Download COM624: You can go to FHWA's web site to download a DOS version of COM624P. Users have to read and agree the FHWA's term and conditions before download the software.). Group analysis is based on matrix method for pile group under vertical, lateral, and moment loading. It analyzes settlement, rotation, and deflection of pile cap and each pile's behaves under group condition. Group analysis only handles symmetrical pile layout with one type of pile.

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Shallow foundations are for foundation under vertical, lateral, and moment loading. Bearing capacity, settlement and rotation are calculated. The method is recommended in 'Principles of Foundation Engineering' Braja M. Shaft analysis can handle large size drilled shaft with or without belled bottom.

The method is based on 'Construction Procedures and Design Method' recommended by FHWA. KEY FEATURES. Smart Data Find Users only need to input N-value (SPT) or CPT and let program find the remaining data, such as friction, cohesion, density, subgrade reaction coefficient, and P-y parameters.

For users with limited field data, it is very useful feature. Graphical Input The sliding bar and graphical interface change simultaneously with the inputs to illustrate the pile profile.

Pile head and load are graphically presented to help users to input data quickly and accurately. Three Ways to Input Soil Properties: 1.Input N value (SPT or CPT) only and program find all other parameters; 2.Input soil parameters such as C, and friction. 3.Input End bearing and Side friction (vertical) or p-y (lateral). Vertical Capacity The program evaluates the uplift and compression capacity of the pile.

Program provides t-z, and q-w analysis. The program also checks torsion (rotation) capacity for single pile.

Settlement The program calculates pile settlement based on point load, skin friction, and shaft compression. It provides Load-Settlement curves. Point of Fixity AllPile determines the Point of Fixity and Stiffness of the pile. Stiffness AllPile determines pile stiffness for rotation, lateral and vertical deflections. Lateral Capacity AllPile performs lateral analysis under different head-load boundary conditions. Deflection, moment, and shear along the entire length of the pile are presented graphically in the report. Program provides p-y analysis.

Group Piles Analysis Both vertical and lateral analyses handle group piles. The loads can be vertical, compression, uplift, shear, and moment. The program calculates lateral movement, rotation, and settlement of the pile cap.

Tower Foundation Analysis of foundation for transmission towers, wireless antennas, telephone and signal poles, etc. Batter Piles and Sloped Ground The program can handle batter piles and sloped ground. Seismic and Static Conditions Circular and static load conditions can be selected in the lateral analysis. Negative Friction The program computes the downdrag force formed by settlement of soft layers. Zero Friction AllPile handles no-friction sections of the pile, such as tieback free bond length. Section Calculation The program calculates the section properties for reinforced or hollow piles. It has a built-in database for all available W and H steel piles.

Graphical Presentation AllPile presents the results using high quality graphics, which can be inserted directly into a report. Users can customize the format of the report. Export to EXCEL AllPile results can be exported to MS-EXCEL graphics and reports by a few mouse clicks. Users can modify the reports and graphics easily. English and Metric Units The program accommodates both English and metric units. Shallow Footing Shallow footing under vertical, and lateral loads (moment and shear) Analysis includes settlement, rotation, and sliding.

HFWA SHAFT analysis Using FHWA-IF-99 method for drilled shaft with bell or without bell, including settlement, top rotation, and slope analysis. WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 7 AllPile Version 7 has significant improvements and upgrades from previous versions:.

'Group' piles can handle moment in addition to vertical and lateral forces. V7 can analyze tower foundations for transmission towers, wireless antennas, telephone and signal poles, etc.

V7 adds the SHAFT method for drilled shafts with bell based on publication FHWA-IF-99. V7 performs shallow foundation analysis for vertical, lateral, overturning, and settlement. In vertical analysis, the program provides comprehensive settlement analysis with graphs of settlement vs. Skin and tip resistance.

The program provides t-z, q-w analysis and output for vertical analysis. In lateral analysis, improved lateral analysis code helps the program run more smoothly.

Group Pile Software

V7 provides p-y input and output for lateral analysis. The program has improved uplift analysis for uplift anchor and uplift plate. The user can save setup data along with the pile file. V7 has an improved pile section calculation that lets the user calculate necessary properties based on the number of bars in concrete pile and thickness of the pipe pile.

Three Ways to Input - 1. Input N value (SPT or CPT) only and program find all other parameters; 2. Input soil parameters such as C, and friction. Input End bearing and Side friction (vertical) or p-y (lateral). COST At a price of $950, users only pay the cost of vertical analysis. The lateral analysis is free.

Users only need to buy one program and input the data once instead of buying different programs and inputting data several times. AllPile makes pile analysis both economical and time-efficient. AllPile provides value, versatility, and accuracy in one program. That is why AllPile is becoming the most popular and best-selling pile program worldwide.

COMPARISON OF MOST POPULAR PILE ANALYSIS SOFTWARE AllPile LPILE APILE COM624P GROUP SHAFT WinFad Vertical Load Lateral Load Group Piles Single Pile Tower Foundation Shaft (FHWA method) Shallow Foundation P-Y Curve T-Z Curve Soil Property Library Interactive User Interface Torsion Analysis (single pile) Settlement Analysis Operating System Windows Windows Windows DOS Windows Windows Windows Price (US currency) $950 $1000 $7901180 N/A $1,800 $790 $1,800 DOWNLOAD FREE DEMO PROGRAM You can download the program and manual, and evaluate it for free. In the free demo program you can open example files and run them, but you will not be able to modify the data until we receive your payment. Click the following Pictures to See Details. Interactive Input Graphical Input Smart Input Section Calculation Group Analysis Graphical Report.


Pile analysis calculates the vertical load carrying capacities and vertical settlements of a range of individual piles in a layered soil deposit. The theory is based on both conventional and new methods for drained (frictional) and undrained (cohesive) soils. Capacity can be calculated for a range of sections with under-ream. Settlements are calculated for solid circular sections without under-ream.

Pile's design software's Key Benefits:. Pile is a quick and simple method of determining both pile load capacity as well as its settlement and the surrounding ground displacement. Pile can be used to perform EC7 calculations. National Annex is supported. User-defined partial factors can also be applied. Pile can be used to evaluate settlements arising from thermal and cyclic loads. Load carrying capacity calculations using static formula from IS 2911 are supported.


Problems are quick to set up and results are easy to find using the gateway window. Results can be exported for post-processing. The main features of Pile analysis are summarised below:. The soil is specified in layers. Each layer is set to be drained (frictional) or undrained (cohesive) and appropriate strength parameters are specified.

Maximum values can be set for ultimate soil/shaft friction stress and end bearing stress within each layer. Settlement calculations can now be performed using t-z curves in addition to Mindlin method. Pile can be used to evaluate settlements arising from staged loading using the t-z curves option. The user has two choices for selecting datum - depth below ground level and elevation above Ordnance Datum. Porewater pressures within the soil deposit can be set to hydrostatic or piezometric.

Pile capacities may be calculated for a range of pile lengths and a range of cross-section types, such as circular, square and H-section. The circular and square cross-sections may be hollow or solid, whereas the H-section is only solid. Under-reams or enlarged bases may be specified. Pile settlements may be calculated for a range of pile lengths and a range of solid circular cross-sections without under-ream. There are two approaches available to calculate the capacity of the pile - working-load approach and limit-state approach.

The graphical output depicts the variation of different pile capacities, such as shaft resistance, end bearing, total bearing capacity of the pile etc. With pile depth. This may be exported in WMF format. The text output contains the tabular representation of the above data together with the input data. The user also has the option of exporting these results in CSV format using pile design software.

Features. The soil is specified in layers.

Each layer is set to be drained(frictional) or undrained(cohesive) and appropriate strength parameters are specified. Maximum values can be set for ultimate soil/shaft friction stress and end bearing stress within each layer. The user has four choices for selecting datum - Depth below ground level, depth below mud-line, elevation above Ordnance Datum, and finally a user-specified datum. Porewater pressures within the soil deposit can be set to hydrostatic or piezometric.


Free Sheet Pile Design Software

The user has the option to calculate the pile capacity for a range of pile depths, for different cross-section shapes such circular, square and H-section. The circular and square cross-sections may be hollow or solid, where as the H-section is only solid. In addition, under-reams or enlarged bases may be specified. There are two approaches available to calculate the capacity of the pile - Working load approach and Limit-state approach. The graphical output depicts the variation of different pile capacities such as shaft resistance, end bearing, total bearing capacity of the pile etc. With pile depth. This may be exported in WMF format.

The text output contains the tabular representation of the above data together with the input data. The user also has the option of exporting these results in CSV format.